Vědecký výbor

Dr. Giorgio Sesti

Professor, MD, PhD
Profesor interní medicíny na univerzitě Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro; Director of the U.O., hospital complex of Internal Medicine at the „Master Domini“ University Polyclinic; President of the Italian Diabetology Society již 2 roky.

Dr. Alessandro Laviano

Professor, MD, PhD
sAssociate Professor of Internal Medicine at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome; welfare activity at the operating unit of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the Umberto I University Hospital Polyclinic of Rome; Visiting Professor at SUNY Upstate Medical University of Syracuse, NY, and USA; expert consultant in the European Commission’s Framework Programmes of Bruxelles.

Dr. Alessandro Laviano

Professor Mario Giuseppe Mirisola

Professor, MD, PhD
Illustrious Professor of Biology and Genetics at the University of Palermo.